Site News: Living In Asia is now Future Southeast Asia!

Introducing the new brand and URL for the site dedicated to news about construction, transport, and infrastructure in Southeast Asia.

Hello dear subscribers, I have some big news this week - Living In Asia is now Future Southeast Asia! The new site is at

Future Southeast Asia continues with the work I have been doing on Living In Asia, covering construction, transport, and infrastructure in Southeast Asia. The new name better reflects the focus of the site.

I Initially bought the domain to turn it into a digital nomad site in Asia. I eventually abandoned that idea but I kept the domain. When I repurposed the domain I didn't expect the site to grow as it has. While Living In Asia is not a bad catch-all name for what I do, I found that it caused some confusion with people expecting living guides and apartment reviews. I do post about new apartment construction, but it's not the mission of the site to be a real estate or cost-of-living guide. There are other sites that are doing that well, and I would only consider doing such a site if I am bringing something new to the table.

Another reason to rebrand was to move from a .co to a .com. There are some sites where having a .co is fine. The domain is a great domain name, and for tech/nomad sites it works well. For a site about transport and infrastructure though I felt like it was better to have a .com site.  My friends at Tropical MBA did a podcast about this subject when they moved Dynamite Jobs from .co to .com, which was a "huge symbolic change" for their company.

Relaunching this site as Future Southeast Asia is also a huge symbolic change for myself and for this site. Living In Asia became a pandemic pivot site for me when the bottom of my travel business fell out from under me. Going forward, Future Southeast Asia will become my core business as there is still so much to report about.

I look forward to seeing this site grow and - depending on vaccinations and travel bubbles - hopefully I can start travelling soon for on-the-ground reporting of big projects in Southeast Asia. Once travel is back to normal I will be attending conferences again, and I will mention any I am going to if you would like to meet up.

[Yours Truly at a rail conference in Bangkok.]

On social media, you can follow the site on Facebook and Twitter. I've also registered accounts at Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Yes, it’s time to stop resisting and start doing videos.

Any links to posts on the old URL should redirect to the new URL.

The newsletter is also on a new domain at If you are already a subscriber you will not need to update your subscription. If you aren’t a subscriber yet, sign up for free weekly updates.

Latest Posts At Future Southeast Asia

Usually in this section I would introduce the latest post of the week. As I have spent most of the week preparing for the new site, I haven’t published a new post. Instead, I have posted a welcome post: Welcome to Future Southeast Asia!

Updated Posts

This section includes news items that are added to previously posted articles.


Other News

This section includes a round-up of the latest news in Southeast Asia related to construction, transport, and infrastructure.

Southeast Asia



“Jakarta pins hopes on Lake Toba for a new model of sustainable tourism.”

“Planned projects cover urban mobility, waste management and water supply.”



“The regional budget airline AirAsia is seeking to launch an app-powered flying-taxi business as soon as next year, according to co-founder and chief executive Tony Fernandes.”




This “land bridge” is an alternative to the Thai Canal that has been proposed for decades.


“The Vietnamese government is doing its part to improve connectivity among regions nationwide.”

“CO2-spewing old two-wheelers an obstacle to decarbonization.”


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