Ream City Cambodia

A new city in the sea in Sihanoukville.

Greetings from Soc Trang, deep in the Mekong Delta. This week’s article is a short fact sheet about Ream City in Cambodia. This is a project in Sihanoukville that involves building a new city on reclaimed land in a harbour. There isn’t a lot of information about the project yet, so I will keep adding news as it becomes available.

Sihanoukville has become famous for becoming an unregulated Chinese casino city over the last few years (the Macao of Southeast Asia). I was there at the start of 2018 when there were over 50 casinos. There were up to 70 casinos before the government cracked down on online casinos operating in the city.

Why a new city is being built in the sea when the surrounding area is still not developed isn’t clear. And as you will see from the linked news sources, the project is being developed by a little-known company registered just one month before.

This is the third artificial islands project that I’ve covered here (the others being Forest City and Penang South Islands). Both of those projects in Malaysia have been controvsial for their cost and environmental impact. I have been meaning to do a full profile on Sihanoukville as well, but it will require a visit to see what has happened since my last visit.

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Ream City is a proposed new urban development in Ream Bay in Sihanoukville Province, Cambodia. The project covers 834ha of reclaimed land in the bay, with an estimated US$16 billion in total investment.

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