Introducing a new feature - Construction Updates. The first feature city is Quy Nhon in the South Central Coast region of Vietnam.
A summary of new articles published in June 2020, and updated "Future Asia" posts.
An emerging tourism destination on the south-central coast of Vietnam.
Facts and figures on the new airport of Phnom Penh, which will be one of the biggest airports (by land size) in Southeast Asia.
How a proposed light rail transit and east-west railway could turn Khon Kaen into a provincial powerhouse.
Is a railway of any kind feasible on Bali, and thoughts on censorship and self-censorship in Asia.
A summary of new articles published in May 2020, and updated "Future Asia" posts.
Two new 4-runway mega airports, an improving NAIA, and an expanding Clark airport, but no coherent masterplan for the airports of Manila.
A faster alternative for the world's busiest international airline route.
A man had a plan for a canal across the Isthmus of Kra.
Bangkok to Chiang Rai by train, and a fantasy map of Sumatra Railways.
A summary of new articles published from the last month, as well as updated old posts.