Southeast Asia transport and construction news (#249)

HCMC construction report, New Kuching airport location revealed, Metro Manila subway, Nakhon Ratchasima mass transit, Thailand 3-airport rail link update, Vietnam’s high-speed railway to break ground in December 2027

The Future Southeast Asia Newsletter features transport and urban development news in Southeast Asia, edited by James Clark.

Greetings from Bangkok, which is in the midst of an airpocalypse. The air quality is in the red zone, and those who have the luxury of being able to work from home are encouraged to do so.

A contributing factor to air pollution in January is crop burning. The government is trying to stamp out agricultural burning, though there is resistance.

The smog is also referred to as transboundary haze. I am watching the AQI levels in Ho Chi Minh City, which is also unhealthy. Some of the AQI websites show fire hotspots on their maps. The maps show fires in Cambodia contributing to the haze in Vietnam.

I will compile a construction report for Bangkok while I am here, and do some rail transit updates as well.

When I am riding the transit system of Bangkok I often say to myself “If I was in charge of the MRTA I would do this…” If that is you, and if you are qualified, you are invited to apply for the position of Governor of the Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand.

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🇰🇭 Cambodia

🇮🇩 Indonesia

"Bali and other cities in Indonesia have either ceased or reduced their transportation services due to a lack of funding from central and local governments."

🇱🇦 Laos

🇲🇾 Malaysia

 🇵🇭 Philippines

🇸🇬 Singapore

🇹🇭 Thailand

"Project is five years behind schedule due to haggling over contract with CP-led consortium."

“Design work on 11.2-kilometre rail route to start this year.”

"The criteria for the development of entertainment complexes after the passing of the law could make Khlong Toei in Bangkok and U-Tapao attractive options for investors."

🇹🇱 Timor-Leste

🇻🇳 Vietnam

"Vietnam’s Ministry of Transport has announced that construction of the high-speed North-South railway will begin in December 2027, with completion expected by 2035."

"An additional US$130 million has been added to a dioxin decontamination project at Bien Hoa Airport in Dong Nai Province in southern Vietnam, bringing the total funding to $430 million." (The dioxin is better known as Agent Orange.)

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